174 research outputs found

    Profil, Entstehung und Perspektiven der Protestbewegung in Deutschland

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    Die Protestkampagne von Fridays for Future (FFF) hat es innerhalb kürzester Zeit geschafft, in Deutschland und darüber hinaus hunderttausende Schüler*innen und Jugendliche für eine Wende in der Klimapolitik auf die Straße zu bringen. Um mehr über Profil, Mobilisierungswege und Motive der Demonstrierenden zu erfahren, haben wir als Teil eines europaweiten Forschungsprojekts Demonstrationsbefragungen während der Klimaproteste am 15. März 2019 in Berlin und Bremen durchgeführt. Das Working Paper präsentiert zentrale Befunde für FFF in Deutschland und ordnet diese ein. Die FFF-Proteste werden von jungen, gut gebildeten Menschen und überraschend stark von jungen Frauen getragen. Viele der demonstrierenden Schüler*innen, von denen sich die Mehrheit im linken Spektrum verortet, sind zum ersten Mal auf der Straße. Persönliche Kontakte sind der zentrale Weg der Mobilisierung. Die Demonstrierenden wollen die Politik unter Druck setzen, klimapolitische Versprechen einzulösen. Einen wichtigen Weg der Veränderung sehen insbesondere die Schüler*innen aber auch in der Veränderung der eigenen Lebens- und Konsumpraxis. Die Demonstrierenden sind keineswegs hoffnungslos, sondern vielmehr handlungsbereit, politisiert und zuversichtlich, dass ihr Protest gesellschaftliche und politische Veränderungen hervorrufen kann. Im europäischen Vergleich ist die Kampagne hinsichtlich Altersstruktur, Verteilung der Geschlechter und insbesondere hinsichtlich der Einschätzung von Lösungswegen heterogener als der gemeinsame Rahmen vermuten lässt. Abschließend blicken wir auf die öffentliche Resonanz und im Fazit auf Faktoren des (medialen) Erfolgs

    Resolution der CDU/CSU-Mittelstandsvereinigung "Obligatorische Urabstimmung unter Kontrolle des Staates"

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    Die Forderung der CDU/CSU-Mittelstandsvereinigung nach der Einführung einer obligatorischen Urabstimmung vor dem Beginn eines Streiks wird von Dr. Dieter Hundt, Präsident der Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeber abgelehnt: "Der Beschluss der CDU/CSU-Mittelstandsvereinigung zur Einführung einer obligatorischen Urabstimmung vor der Durchführung von Streikmaßnahmen wirkt auf den ersten Blick viel versprechend. Auf den zweiten Blick erweist er sich jedoch als kontraproduktiv. Im Ergebnis bedeutet er mehr kollektiven Zwang und weniger arbeitsrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer." Auch Michael Sommer, Vorsitzender des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes, wendet sich gegen diese Forderung, da sie "… die Funktion von Koalitionsfreiheit, Tarifautonomie, Tarifverträgen und deren Aushandlung völlig (verkenne)." Dr. Manfred C. Hettlage begründet hingegen in seinem Beitrag diese Resolution.Streik, Staat, Arbeitskonflikt, Tarifvertrag, Tarifautonomie, Deutschland

    Authentication and authorisation in entrusted unions

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    This paper reports on the status of a project whose aim is to implement and demonstrate in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorisation framework to enable trusted collaborations and delivery of services across different organisational/governmental jurisdictions. This aim will be achieved by designing a framework with assurance of claims, trust indicators, policy enforcement mechanisms and processing under encryption to address the security and confidentiality requirements of large distributed infrastructures. The framework supports collaborative secure distributed storage, secure data processing and management in both the cloud and offline scenarios and is intended to be deployed and tested in two pilot studies in two different domains, viz, Bio-security incident management and Ambient Assisted Living (eHealth). Interim results in terms of security requirements, privacy preserving authentication, and authorisation are reported

    Stronger Security for Sanitizable Signatures

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    Sanitizable signature schemes (SSS) enable a designated party (called the sanitizer ) to alter admissible blocks of a signed message. This primitive can be used to remove or alter sensitive data from already signed messages without involvement of the original signer. Current state-of-the-art security definitions of SSSs only dene a \weak form of security. Namely, the unforgeability, accountability and transparency definitions are not strong enough to be meaningful in certain use-cases. We identify some of these use-cases, close this gap by introducing stronger definitions, and show how to alter an existing construction to meet our desired security level. Moreover, we clarify a small yet important detail in the state-of-the-art privacy definition. Our work allows to deploy this primitive in more and different scenarios

    Pulmonary and intranasal delivery of thymoquinone-loaded nanoparticles for Mucormycosis & Covid-19

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    India is currently reporting a massive increase of mucormycosis infection among Covid-19 patients. The opportunistic black fungus infection affects the lungs and the brain. Depending on the infected organs, morbidity and mortality rates are between 50% and 100%. To save patients’ life, it is frequently necessary to remove jaws and eyes. The drug of first of choice for the treatment of mucormycosis in the subcontinent is Amphotericin B. There are two problems with Amphotericin B: First, it is currently not available in many pharmacies in India, and second, its effect is restricted by its limited passage across the blood-brain-barrier. Recently, it was shown that thymol is highly effective against Rhizopus oryzea, the fungus causing 70% of mucormycosis. In contrast to Amphotericin B, which in the case of mucormycosis is administered intravenously, thymol can reach the lungs via inhalation and the brain via the nose-to-brain route. Importantly, thymoquinone (TQ) has all the relevant biological properties of thymol and has been already successfully used to treat Covid-19, as demonstrated in clinical studies. Additionally to the action spectrum of thymol, TQ has the capacity to act as a reactive oxygen species and oxidize pathogens upon contact, thereby recommending itself for both treatment of Covid-19 and infections with the black fungus. For maximum efficacy, comprising biodistribution and bioavailability and drug, functionality we describe innovative strategies based on nanomedicines for targeted delivery of TQ to the lungs as well as for intranasal delivery to the brain, bypassing the blood-brain-barrier

    Fridays for Future

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    FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE Fridays for Future / Sommer, Moritz (CC BY) ( -

    Authentication and authorisation in entrusted unions

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    This paper reports on the status of a project whose aim is to implement and demonstrate in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorisation framework to enable trusted collaborations and delivery of services across different organisational/governmental jurisdictions. This aim will be achieved by designing a framework with assurance of claims, trust indicators, policy enforcement mechanisms and processing under encryption to address the security and confidentiality requirements of large distributed infrastructures. The framework supports collaborative secure distributed storage, secure data processing and management in both the cloud and offline scenarios and is intended to be deployed and tested in two pilot studies in two different domains, viz, Bio-security incident management and Ambient Assisted Living (eHealth). Interim results in terms of security requirements, privacy preserving authentication, and authorisation are reported

    The Racing-Game Effect: Why Do Video Racing Games Increase Risk-Taking Inclinations?

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    The present studies investigated why video racing games increase players’ risk-taking inclinations. Four studies reveal that playing video racing games increases risk taking in a subsequent simulated road traffic situation, as well as risk-promoting cognitions and emotions, blood pressure,sensation seeking, and attitudes toward reckless driving. Study 1 ruled out the role of experimental demand in creating such effects. Studies 2 and 3 showed that the effect of playing video racing games on risk taking was partially mediated by changes in selfperceptions as a reckless driver. These effects were evident only when the individual played racing games that reward traffic violations rather than racing games that do not reward traffic violations (Study 3) and when the individual was an active player of such games rather than a passive observer (Study 4). In sum, the results underline the potential negative impact of racing games on traffic safety